Monday 20 April 2015

Why Am I So Angry?

I am a very pessimistic person, I am always convinced things will go wrong and then most of the time they do. I probably bring it on myself but how do you get out of this sort of rut? How do you stop being so angry, stop getting so aggravated over silly things, how to you stop caring about what other people think or do?!

These are a few things that are driving me mad at the moment..

1. Driving all the way into university for a meeting and it being a waste of time, its so far to go for nothing!

2. My neighbours hideously messy garden which is spilling rubbish into mine.

3. Other drivers! I am certain that 95% of the world are imbeciles who shouldn't be allowed on the road

4. Bad communication at work and university. I hate not knowing exactly whats going on. I cant understand why people aren't as efficient as I am.

5. I work in a restaurant and I cant stand when people don't know what they are ordering then looking at like I'm the idiot when I have to ask them countless questions just so I can get the order right. 

6. When people don't respond to my emails and the panic of thinking they have ignored me

7. When I go to my local shop and they have absolutely nothing that I wanted and the staff are all the stupidest people on planet earth

8. Everything in the whole universe being so bloody expensive, I work so hard and I still can't afford anything

9. The fact that my guinea-pigs seem to get sick every week and cost me a fortune in vets bills, why the hell does it cost the same to take a guinea pig to the vet as it does to take a golden retriever!? 

10. My car also hates me, seems to love to break and cost me a fortune

So the fact of the matter still remains, how do you stop being so irritated and angry? I honestly don't know. I cant change the way other people act, I cant change the way they influence my life and I cant see how I can stop being so bothered by it all. Its not healthy to be this angry! I really am considering hibernation just so I can avoid everything.

What do you guys think? 

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