Wednesday 15 April 2015

Music Review: The Wombats - Glitterbug 7/10

The Wombats were huge when I was a teen but I was never a fan. I didn't have my little indie kid phase, I went straight from pop to hardcore so I am not hugely familiar with The Wombats earlier releases but my boyfriend is a die hard fan and he bombarded me with their music since the first single, I had no choice but he hear it! So much so that I was as excited as he was for this release!

Firstly lets look at the album title and cover art. I am a sucker for great cover art as an artist myself, I really love this. I reminds me of Taylor Swifts theme for 1989, which is ironic really because usually these artists couldn't be more different but these albums are both 80's themed and use collage styles and city visuals in their artworks. "Glitterbug" is a beautiful name which matches perfectly with the glitter and glam of the 80's theme and the twinkling lights of the city which they represent in a way. 

The track themselves are hit and miss for me, I have been reading reviews myself in preparation and as far as I can tell this album hasn't been well received mostly. Considering the hype I do think this album is a slight let down as the singles really are the best tracks which upsets me because usually I find that the real gems in most albums are album tracks. Don't get me wrong this is not a bad album by far, for the most part it is a great album but it has its downfalls. I will review the album track by track as I feel this is the best way to get a real idea of what is worth listening to and what might require a skip...


This song isn't my favourite, most people seem to love it but I'm just not feeling it. I can't really pin point exactly why, its a slow paced song with a cliched hook. Its worth a listen and you may love it but usually I skip it.

Give Me A Try

I think this song is one of the best songs on the album, its cheeky and cheerful. Its a guy begging a girl to give him a try and just be open minded about him. This is the single that made me so excited for the album.

Greek Tragedy

Amazing song. Possible the best on the album. It begins with slow twinkling wind chime sound and then bursts into the song with an amazingly catchy beat. The lyrics are great on this track, it seems like a love song but the contrasting music video shows a fan who is completely obsessed with the band. The video may be the best part. Major album highlight. 

"She hits like ecstasy, comes up and bangs the sense out of me"

Watch the video here.

Be Your Shadow

Theres always a song on an album that will get stuck in your head first. That is also always the song you get bored of first. That is this song. It is catchy, the beat is smooth and seamless. It is a good song and currently I'm really feeling it but I can already tell that I am going to get bored soon, it doesn't have longevity. 


This feels like its straight from the 80's, it would have fit perfectly on the soundtrack for "Drive". The lyrics are a bit weak, it is a simple song that doesn't pack a punch but it is enjoyable. It is a relaxing song which definitely isn't a skipper but its not a future single either. 

This Is Not A Party

On first listen I didn't like this song, the lyrics felt wrong and the main hook felt clumsy. Such as the lyric  "Charlie's coming onto every person he can touch" really should have been "...every person he can see" It just fits better, the song is definitely rushed lyrics wise. I persevered though and it has really grown on me, the lyrics "I dream in technicolour but I live in black and white" are awesome, they really sum up how young people feel especially myself. It might be one of my favourites now, I think its a marmite song, you will love it or hate the shit out of it. 


This is the only ballad on the album which is a good thing because they clearly don't do them well. Its not a bad song but it is boring. Really boring. The lyrics are quite beautiful in some place such as " can't leave me alone laying in this bed, covered in your sweat and my fears" now that is a lyric. It really is one of the only redeeming qualities. The song also has some rather awful lyrics such as..

"Did they teach you all of this is a school around here"

"I think its you thats the true rockstar around here"

They are just awful and I cant believe they actually made it onto the album,  childish and fumbling just like the lyrics on "This is not a party"

Your Body Is A Weapon

This single has been out for so bloody long I'm not sure it even deserves to be on this album, not because its bad but it came out over a year and a half ago which seems ridiculous. This song sounds like their old stuff, its a good upbeat party song, the indie kids will love it. It will get them all up dancing in their skinny jeans with the girls swinging their fringes while wearing a band t. Probably for a band they have never listened too, ever. 

The English Summer

Again, reviewers love this one but for me its a skipper. I don't like it, its bumpy and cliched. Another song that you may enjoy but for me, it is exactly the reason I've never liked them before. I like smooth production and this sounds like some shitty garage band have recorded it themselves on a mac, works for some but not for me. Skip.

Pink Lemonade

I think this is my favourite on the album, it is so summery and perfect. The sun has only just made an appearance where I live so this sound just feels like a long car drive drinking a bottle of pink lemonade on the way to the beach with the boyfriend. I feel like a moment in time which is something I love in a song. 

"I don't want to be the blinking rabbit to your wilder beast"

Lyric wise, it talks about a girl cheating on her boyfriend and his asking her not to rub it in his face, he is a scared rabbit and she is a wilder beast hurting him, breaking his heart. These lyrics is perfect. 


This is my boyfriends favourite song on this album and I do think it is pleasing to the ear. I feels smooth and sexy, I really like it. My only negative is that the lyrics could have been deeper. It talks about being in love with a girl who is making things hard to love her. It is a deep subject and this wasn't explored as well as it could have been in the lyrics, a little depth would have really benefited this song.

Bonus Tracks: Sex and Question Marks 
 : Flowerball

Bonus track for me are usually the best sounds on an album, this is often the case but with these two bonus track, the album would have been better off without them. The arne't terrible but I can't say I would care if they didn't exist. What the fuck is a flowerball?

Overall, I like this album. For the most part it is lighthearted and happy. A nice summery car album, I can imagine myself driving fast with the windows down singing along. You might have to skip a few but it is still a good effort for The Wombats.

If you are ok with a few flops and hollow lyrics here and there then you might well enjoy this offering. There are definitely some great tunes in here.

Purchase Album Here.

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