Tuesday 28 April 2015

Movie Review: Avengers Age Of Ultron

I am a huge Marvel fan but I know that they do fail sometimes. Such as in the case of Avengers Assemble, the first Avengers film was a mess with too many characters and not enough development, I didn't enjoy it at all and I would honestly say it is the worst Marvel film to date. Due to this, I didn't have high hopes for this sequel.

I was pleasantly surprised. 

Age of Ultron still had the same hollow jokes and boring character banter but the storyline was much improved and I feel that the characters finally got the development they needed. No enough, maybe but it was a start. Marvel seem to think that just because the characters have their own films that they don't need development when all the characters are together but this is not true. Every character needs to be continuously developing and changing but it seems as though they just stay the same and no matter what happens to each character they still stay the same. But as I said, there was an improvement in this instalment which I found very refreshing.

I might be the only person in the world to say this but I didn't like Loki as a villain, he is an embarrassment. Full of cheesy lines and boring back stories but Ultron was a really good new villain in my opinion, I did feel that again they skimped on his development but he added the sinister and actual evil that Loki lacked. The scene early on in the film where Ultron first confronted the Avengers at the party was a really impressive scene, Ultrons voice was evil and it was the kind of voice that strikes fear into the audience. 

This film welcomed Elizabeth Olson as Scarlet Witch and Aaron Johnson as Quick Silver, I thought Quick Silver was a really boring character and (spoiler) his death should have been a heart wrenching scene but I felt like it was just skipped over and dismissed which really annoyed me. Scarlet Witch was however, a great addition. She added some well needed femininity to the film and Elizabeth Olson was fantastic despite her slightly dodgy accent! Hopefully this improves before we see her character again. 

Overall, this film wasn't ground breaking and you can really tell that it had been cut in length because it felt like it was missing vital developments and also some much needed individuality between characters and stories. I think that because my hopes weren't high, this film impressed me. I really did enjoy it but it could have been better. A lot better.

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