Wednesday 15 April 2015

Movie Review: The Duff 9/10

A week ago I read and reviewed The Duff book in preparation of seeing the movie, I was really excited for this because embarrassingly or not my favourite genre is teen. Teen films are easy to watch, funny and just light hearted, I feel like I can watch them over and over again. Due to this reason I was already familiar with some of the actresses such as Bella Thorne who is a Disney Channel Queen and also Skyler Samuels who has has countless small parts in teen shows and movies, both girls are talented little gems. Newbie Mae Whitman who plays the title character, Bianca, really gives the role her all and she is fantastic. She will have a long career ahead of her for sure. 

As I mentioned in the book review, the film does not follow the books story pretty much at all. The main idea of the Designated, Ugly, Fat, Friend is the same and the love interest between Bianca and Wes is the same but every other detail is different. The thing is, the film was great. Really funny and enjoyable but the story didn't need to be changed to do this. The original story would have been equally as good. This fact just bothers me because the book was better, the book was slightly raunchy and sexy which the film is not, obviously due to the teen audience but thats no excuse in my opinion. 

The boyfriend and I have been quoting the film since we saw it.

"Is that a weener in your mouth or are you just happy to see me?"

"Start dressing more like you and less like Wreck It Ralph"

The film really is funny and I thoroughly enjoyed it, loved it even. There is no one scene that I can say I loved the most because it was genuinely great all the way through. I already know this film won't get the reception it deserves which is a shame but I will most definitely be buying it on dvd when it comes out. It will be perfect addition to be insanely huge collection of teen movies. 

Watch the trailer here.

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