Thursday 8 June 2017

PS... Mermaid Glow (MY NEW LOVE)

You all know by now that I am a huge fan of Primark makeup, there are so many gems and this is definitely one of them!

I had been seeing this all over youtube and I just knew I had to have it. 

Primark however never seems to have the items you want in store. No matter what it is you are after, it won't be there when you go to buy it so I went into store with a heavy heart feeling almost certain I would come away empty handed. I looked around the whole beauty section except one area that had a huge group of teenagers swarming it. So I hovered for what seemed like a lifetime for them to leave and when they did....MERMAID HIGHLIGHTER!

The packaging is basic but the pan is huge which is always a plus. I wouldn't say it is particularly hard wearing though because I dropped it and the corner of the highlighter shattered. It is still usable but it is a shame it happened so easily. 

The highlighter itself is stunning, incredibly blinding. It is a true white highlight which I really love, it can be built up to look like literal liquid metal on your face or you can use a super light hand for something more natural.

I honestly love this highlighter and it has quickly become one of my favourites but something I have to criticise is that I don't understand what is "mermaid" about it. I feel like it should have a colour shift in order to make it truly a mermaid highlighter so hopefully that is something Primark will do in the future. I sure hope so!

Just a heads up, there will be no post on Sunday as there usually is. I am away on holiday and I don't like to schedule posts as I can't check them over before they go live! Posts will resume as normal on Thursday! Thank You!

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