Tuesday 29 March 2016

Batman V Superman Review 9/10

Batman V Superman has been panned by critics and everyone I had spoken to prior to seeing the film has panned it too. I am a waitress and most of our trade comes from the cinema so i've had the opportunity to speak to a range of different people and get their opinions, all bad!

Now that I have seen the film for myself I can honestly say that I am baffled beyond belief. 

Batman V Superman is incredible. One of the best films I have seen in a long time. 

Batman V Superman leads on from Man Of Steel, which I didn't like at all. I didn't like the trailers for Batman V Superman and I didn't like the advertising. It all made the film seem like it would be a full on battle between the two heroes, fighting and destruction. Action packed from start to finish. This along with the bad reviews made me very apprehensive about watching the film at all but I think this is a huge part of the problem.

Those who know the comic and know what the story will have been put off because it looked as though the film had been ruined but those who didn't know the comic will have been let down because they were expecting an action packed movie. 

The film has it's fair share of action but ultimately this film is about the characters, the build up for things to come and the delicate introduction of future characters. You get to really understand a new darker layer in Batman/Bruce Wayne's character and Superman/Clark Kent finally feels human to the viewer. The film is emotional, artistic and so well thought out. You are fed so much developmental information without feeling like you are drowning in it, it is impressively clever.

There were two scenes that made this film for me.

First, the very film opening credits and the depiction of Bruce's parents death. We've all seen it before but this time it felt different, better. The way Bruce's mothers pearls were features though out the opening scenes, from glinting on her neck to being wrapped around the assailants gun being the only thing between her and death, the pearls scattering as she is killed and rolling down the drain washing away her life in the gutter then falling directly into Bruce's dreams, haunting them. Using these pearls as a seamless connection through life and tragedy was so beautiful. And under appreciated. 

I also especially liked the font used in the opening credits, they were so simple but perfect. Reflecting the scene they covered so well. 

Second, not to far into the film you see Lois Lane in the bath inspecting a bullet when Clark Kent comes in from work. For me, you finally get to see a real connection between the characters and a huge amount of humanity is finally shown separating Superman from Clark Kent. Something I feel has always been missing. You see his deep love for Lois and their relationship becomes something beautiful. The whole scene is so artistically made, Clark climbs into the bath fully clothed, embracing Lois and flooding the bathroom at the same time. You can't help but fall in love with the couple. You root for them. 

Now don't get me wrong, the film had flaws, Lex Luther seems to take too much influence from the Joker, the fight with Doomsday was over a bit quick and the whole film was maybe a little too long but wow, have these flaws been over exaggerated by the critic sheep who all jumped on the bitching band wagon rather than actually assessing the film for themselves, showing an unfortunate ripple effect.

I could yap on for days about why this film was so good but whats the point, if you only take one thing away from this review it is that you shouldn't believe everything you read. Go see the film for yourself and make your own judgement.

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