Wednesday 5 September 2018

Breastfeeding: Make It Easier

I won't lie to you, breastfeeding is hard. Harder than I ever expected it to be and harder than anyone ever told me it could be. I'd also be lying if I said I hadn't considered quitting over the past 4 weeks of little mans life. 

I hated being covered in milk, struggling to feed in public and mainly I struggled with being glued to the sofa all the time feeling like all my baby wanted me for was my milk. But, I am persevering and finally starting to feel like its all getting easier and like I can do it.

Don't get me wrong, fed is best and however you decide to feed your baby is amazing. But breastfeeding my baby is something I've always wanted to do so feeling like I wanted to quit was really hard, I felt like a failure and like I was being selfish even considering taking away my babies  source of food and the only thing he has ever been used too. So, I took to the internet and to friends and family to get tips and advice of how to make it all easier and how to make it work for me! 

Now, i'd like to share it with you!

1. My first issue with breastfeed feeding was the leaking nips! I was using breast pads, I tried disposable and washable ones but still they weren't absorbing the leakage. My bra was still soaking and smelt like gone off cheese all the time and I hated it. I just felt so dirty!

First thing I did was try and figure out when it was happening, what I figured out is that they only seemed to leak when I was feeding on the other side or when Rory cried. They only leaked a little when he cried so the pads absorbed that but the let down from when I was feeding on the other side was like a litre of liquid at a time! (slight exaggeration but also not really) so I did some research and came across breast shells which are basically little cups that you can put over your nips when feeding  and they collect the milk. I got mine on amazon, find them here.

2. Another issue with leaking nips is that you have to wear a bra all the time in order to hold the breast pads. But I hate having to wear a bra all the time! It is so uncomfortable and it smells because you've been leaking milk in it all day. I started laying a towel down in bed and just sleeping boobs free! The first night I did it, I felt 100 times better. Thankfully now after 4 weeks breastfeeding my boobs are beginning to leak a whole let less which makes everything so much easier! 

3. The One Up One Down Trick. I have no issue getting a boob out in public but you do still have to consider other people when doing so, I had been using a muslin to cover up a little but it was such a faff! So what I've been doing recently is wearing a vest top under my normal top. When you feed you just lift up the top layer and pull down the bottom layer so you literally only have to get your nipple out. It's so much more discreet and you don't have to put anything over your babies face. No-one likes eating with a muslin on their face. 

4. Being prepared is a must. If feeding at home make sure you have a drink and snacks to hand, get your phone and the tv remote at the ready and sit comfortably so you can feed in peace feeling comfy and prepared. If out in public again make sure your phone is handy and if you are feeding in a coffee shop, get a coffee first and put it close enough to reach. It really does help.

5. Seating. Where you sit to feed is also vital to how easy it will be and how comfortable for you and your baby. If I'm at home I feed in either my nursing chair or on the sofa as it is where I am most comfortable and both have arms to help with support. If in pubic I try and choose a booth or an armchair, at the bare minimum something with arms. It provides extra privacy and comfort.

6. Make the most of feeding rooms, loads of places have them. Shopping centres usually have lovely ones, my local has private rooms with changing tables and armchairs. I have no issue with feeding in the open but sometimes its nice to have somewhere quiet and private to sit and nurse. I like them especially if I'm trying to get Rory to nod off to sleep.

7. In my opinion nursing clothes are not necessary but nursing bras are! I only bought two, one to wash and one to wear. I bought these ones here. It really does make nursing easier to be able to just unclip the cup and pull it down to feed, these ones are also non underwired so they are super comfy for sore, huge milk filled boobies.

These seven things have really helped me overcome the issues I was experiencing and hopefully they will help you as well. Most importantly just remember that what you are doing is a beautiful natural thing and in the best interests of your baby so keep it up mama and be proud of yourself no matter how long to choose to feed but also if you choose to bottle feed, you are awesome too!

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