Wednesday 5 June 2019

10 Month Baby Update! 🎉

Apologies for my absence in the here recently but omg, having a 10month old and being back at work part time has been hard! 

Firstly, I’ve been back at work for almost 2months now and it has been an emotional rollercoaster to say the least. Initially I was really worried about leaving my boy, I fully trust our family to care for him but he is still exclusively breastfeeding so I’ve been pumping a lot to keep up with him but thankfully, as it turns out, he doesn’t drink/want as much milk when he’s not with me so it hasn’t been too bad! This has meant pumping at work which my work have been great with and as I only work part time I haven’t lost too much time with my baby boy. It’s been nice to have a bit of me time as well. Who would have ever though work could feel like me time?! 

Breastfeeding wise, he loves the milk! He’s a milk monster! He still feeds to sleep but has become less reliant on it recently and will settle just as well with his daddy which has been nice for us all. I intend to continue until he’s one then slowly weaning him off the tit at his own pace. Neither of us are in any rush, it really is a lovely experience and I wouldn’t change it for the world. 

Weaning is great! We are are all really enjoying it. He is very adventurous and doesn’t struggle with new foods, he is very able when it comes to different textures and shapes of food. He pretty much eats what we eat now which has been good for us as parents as we have had to start eating a little healthier. I’ve been making more food from scratch to make it healthier for sharing! He loves a snack, rice cakes and fruit such as banana, strawberries and orange are his fave but he’s not fussy! He eats a lot! More than my 3 year old niece, definitely explains his moobs! 

Physically, he is doing amazingly well! He’s been crawling for a while, cruising the furniture and recently he has started standing unaided and taken his first few shaky steps which he is improving at everyday. Certainly won’t be long until he’s running! 

Speech wise, he’s a noisy little thing! Loves to laugh, squeal, blow raspberries and growl but hasn’t made any noises that sounds like actual words as of yet and we think he won’t for a while but that’s fine by us as he will do it when he’s ready.  

Sleep... well, this is something he has far from mastered. He wakes many times a night which is frustrating but he is showing progress. He used to need feeding back to sleep but often now he will just have a cuddle and go back
down or sometimes a pat on the butt does the trick. Sleep is something we really struggle with but it’s also something we have accepted and manage with as best we can. Again, he will sleep when he’s ready. He still naps for a good 3-4hours over the course of the day but if he doesn’t get that he’s a very moody boy so I am reluctant to reduce his napping. But this does mean that I also sometimes get a daytime nap which I looooove!

His favourite things to do are eat, feed and play with wheels! My god does this boy love wheels, pram wheels, car wheels, toy wheels, scooters, anything with wheels so we have accumulated quite the collection of vehicles recently! He also really enjoys his fur brother Watson, everything that dog does is hilarious. He especially likes to watch him poop! 

His least favourite things are being put in the car seat ( he loves the car once it’s moving though), being laid down for a bum change or getting dressed and being told no when he’s bashing toys on the tv. He has developed a special half cry half scream for these situations and it’s the most vile noise on earth. 

The fact that he is 10month old both terrifies me but also makes me so incredible proud. He’s such a loving boy and such a character! We are currently in the process of moving house and planning his Hey Duggee themed birthday party as well as a week away in the next month so there’s a lot going on! We are so excited for all of it though! Count down to a one year old is on!

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