Tuesday 5 February 2019

6 Months of Motherhood

Today, Rory is officially 6 months old and I have been his mum for half a year. I won't lie and say that this hasn't been the hardest 6 months of my life or that every step has gone exactly to plan but it sure has been the best 6 months of my life.

Rory is such a delightful little person, he has perfected his resting bitch face but when he does laugh or smile, it is so beautiful that you can't help but smile back. He can roll over, sit up unaided and is so close to be able to army crawl! He loves toast, sweet potato and his Sophie giraffe. And he really really loves his fur brother, Watson. 

He is such a daddies boy but is very clingy with his mummy. He gives the best cuddles with his chubby arms and soaks the bathroom every time he has a bath.

I am so proud of everything he is and I am because of him. I am so proud that I have exclusively breastfed him for 6 whole months and that I can happily whip out a boob in Starbucks or even while using a baby carrier in the supermarket. 

As I said though, not everything has been perfect and simple. I hated breastfeeding at the beginning, I struggled with lack of privacy and still do sometimes. He's a fussy sleeper, waking minimum of 3 maximum of 6 times a night, he won't nap in his cot during the day or in the pram meaning that I'm still breaking my back carrying his chubby 22lb butt around in the baby carrier. He isn't a fan of taking a bottle which makes ever leaving him hard and he is frustratingly clingy. 

At times these things get me down but then I look at all the things he has learnt in the past 6 months and feel so proud of both of us and of Liam for being the most amazing father. 

I cannot wait to see where we are in another 6 months, what we will do for his first birthday, what his first word will be (we think it will be papa) and when he will walk. 

Motherhood is and will continue to be a complete rollercoaster and I'm loving it!

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