Friday 16 November 2018

REALISTIC: Nursery Tour 3 Months In

I posted a nursery tour before Rory was born and like most peoples nurserys before baby, it was pristine. Clean, hoovered, organised and adorably unused. However, things change the moment little one arrives! It suddenly becomes a used space, your life turns upside down, you no longer have time to clean and tidy so that perfect nursery often falls to pieces!

I do try and keep things neat as possible but it certainly is a more lived in space now!

As of this week Rory is now in his big boy cot, the Moses basket is no more, my little 7lb15oz newborn is growing up! 

When he's in the cot the cot top changing table comes down for safety reasons but I pop it back up in the morning when its time to get him changed and dressed. Currently we do have a cot bumper up because I felt it would make the transition from moses basket to cot easier as it would feel more enclosed like the moses does. He currently isn't rolling so I'm not too worried about them but I will be taking them down when he is!

Rory has loved this mobile right from day one, sometimes we have to take it down when we are trying to get him off to sleep as it distracts him but we put it back up in the morning to keep him entertained while Liam and I get ready for the day. I also sometimes lay him here so I can leave him safely if I need a wee!

This whole area has stayed pretty unscathed in the last three months but my god, the dog hair on this mattress is insane, you'd think the dog slept in there too! The sheet has to be cleaned all the time!

This little corner used to house the nappy bin but I have since decided that they are gross and even grosser to empty so now I just throw the nappies in the kitchen bin and take the kitchen bin out more regularly. It so much easier! 

This bouncer was originally downstairs and was used loads when he was really small as he loved to sleep in it but these days his 18lb body is just a little too heavy for it, it no longer bounces but its handy when I'm trying to get my makeup on or put the clothes washing away.

The top of this unit is now just a dumping ground, Liams iPad is often up here as we use it as a baby monitor (HACK!) and it is always covered in chargers and nappies! It's gross but it's reality that I don't always have enough hands to carry a baby and a pile of nappies downstairs so usually there is a nappy of two living up here. 

My once beautiful tidy nursing chair is now always a mess, sometimes the blanket is folded but usually it's a crumpled mess on the floor and the chair now houses a pillow off of the bed which is covered in breast milk as it is so helpful to have a big pillow to nurse on and I couldn't be arsed with buying an actual nursing pillow. Those things are expensive!

Who needs a foot stool anyway?! I actually usually put my feet up on the little wooden bar so I don't mind so much that on the foot stool now lives the toy box, the toys in here are the ones Rory doesn't yet care about and downstair we keep a box of the things he currently likes. It is also the hang out spot for the sick covered muslin I use during night feeds. 

This area is where the moses basket used to live but now little man is way too big for it, it has been put away and replaced with an IKEA picture ledge which I am using as book storage. I love how it looks and it is at perfect grabbing height for Rory when he's a bit more mobile. I do like to lay him on the floor down here sometimes and he just loves to look at the books and all the colours.

These draws were my pride and joy when waiting for Rorys arrival, they were so perfectly organised and so cute. Liam and I used to go and look through these draws and just get so excited! These days they are a bit of a mess but are still remotely organised so I'm not too ashamed. Top draw is bits and bobs, nappies, wipes, health stuff and bath bits. Just all the necessary stuff.

Second draw is clothes and still looks quite organised, it's a lot emptier than it used to be because now that he has gone up a size he only has the things he needs rather than all the 0-3 bits that I impulse bought while pregnant. During the day I like him in mostly neutral clothes as he's a stylish little fella.

At bedtime however, I love a cheesy sleepsuit or a superman pj set! This draw is a lot more colourful and a lot more disorganised. Its mostly pj's, a few clothing bits and miscellaneous stuff like swim trunks and halloween costumes!

Well, this draw is embarrassingly messy but folding blankets is not high on my agenda these days. This draw is muslins, blankets, towels and sheets. It's a disaster but the draw still closes so I'm happy!

So this is my realistic nursery tour three months in, it's not too horrific but it's no where near as nice as it once was but that's nothing to be ashamed of.

 Mess is apart of motherhood!

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