Tuesday 1 November 2016

It's Hard Being A Girl

Us girls have it hard in many ways but id like to talk about the little everyday things that make me want to scream and throw things! Ever had a melt down in a clothes store because everything is ugly, doesn't fit and is too expensive? Me too. Many times actually. 

These are trivial things but they make my bloody boil!

1. Perfume/deodorant Marks

You spend an hour getting ready, coordinate your eyeshadow to your top, paint your nails to match. You are all ready to go. Spray some perfume, ready to walk out the door when your boyfriend points out that you have a greasy body spray mark on your top and you definitely can't hide it. Start from square one.

2. Crusty Lipstick 

I hate wearing lipstick, sure it looks great for the first five minutes until you eat something, have a drink then its smudged across your face and flaking off onto your straw. So, you end up reapplying constantly and its the most annoying thing in the world! Your other option is to not eat or drink to make it last longer but you still can't win because instead you'll end up with the dreaded crusty inner lip. I give up. 

3. Periods In General

I'm sure there are some lucky girls who have perfectly timed periods and always know when they are coming but I am not one of them. Sometimes they come weeks early, sometimes weeks late and sometime they come out of the blue and leak through while your on holiday at Center Parcs and ruins the sheets that aren't even yours! 

4. Hair

I love my hair, its a safety blanket and an accessory but its also a pain in the arse. Wash it, dry it, style it, repeat. It takes forever! The one day you decide to leave the house wth wet hair, it dries to an afro and you end up looking homeless.

5. Makeup Skills

I spend hours watching youtube and surfing the web looking at my makeup products and techniques. Off to Wilkinsons to buy dog food and I will be able to do a whole face of flawless movie star makeup. But if I have something important on like a wedding and i end up with patchy foundation and mascara on my eyelids. 

6. Ironing

So many womens clothes are made from the wrinkliest fabric! Men can get away with ironing almost never but everything I own whether it has been hung up or not looks like a dirty snot rag. I hate ironing! 

7. Heels

I don't wear heels much, only for special occasions but sometimes its nice to wear a heeled boot for an easy day. Just visiting family or the cinema. But then you finish at the cinema and you end up on a trek round the local shopping centre in your sky high heels feeling like your feet are on fire. I didn't plan for this! Heels are not made for spontaneity!

8. "Thanks Love"

At work especially, I can't count the amount of men that call me love, babe, dear, young lady. It's so patronising! Ill scratch your eyes out mate!

9. Nails

Having freshly painted, shiny nails is the best. I feel so put together with my nails on point but without fail, a few hours later they will be chipped. I just can't take the stress. Plain nails will have to do.

10. Bras

Wearing a bra is uncomfortable. Under boob sweat is disgusting but inevitable and it is almost impossible to find one that fits perfectly. I hate everything about them but without them I would get knocked out when I walked and end up with tits down to my knees by the time in 40. Although, taking your bra off after a long day is the best feeling ever!

Im sure I could reel off a load more girl problems but id like to know yours? Or if your a boy, what annoys you?

Thanks for reading! 

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