Monday 16 April 2018

24 Week Update: Pregnancy Is Hard!

I am now 24 weeks pregnant coming up quickly on 25 weeks and it has been a rollercoaster! My bump is quickly expanding, the kicks are getting stronger and the nursery is all coming together but pregnancy is not all the sunshine and roses that many bloggers make it out to be! 

While I am loving being pregnant and feeling this little babe get bigger and stronger, counting down the days until Baby Fish is here, pregnancy really is hard and I've still got a way to go! 

I thought today was the day to talk about those things...

1. I am so tired all the damn time. I still get 10+ hours a night (broken sleep but still) then still need to nap during the day for at least two hours. 

2. I love my body more than ever but also can't stand the sight of it. Watching my bump grow is amazing but the cellulite that has now appeared on my legs, the lizard like skin on my face and my hideously veiny nipples make me want to cry. 

3. Walking or moving in general has become a difficult chore. I get so achy and tired after just a little walk around a shopping centre which means baby shopping has been halted recently as I just can't keep up!

4. I am constantly worried, I thought this had gone away after week 12 but now that I am feeling the baby kick and move regularly, its all I think about. Not enough movement, movements weaker than last week and at a different time, every slight change although perfectly normal panics the hell out of me.

5. I can't stop peeing! My work must think I'm such a lazy cow because I'm constantly disappearing to the loo, my had a growth scan the other day and were told that babies head is completely pushed into my bladder so that explains why!

6. Some days my nips leak and some days they don't, is that normal?!

7. I feel like the count down is on, 15 weeks left until his due date suddenly doesn't feel like a lot. I had felt pretty well prepared but now I just feel like I need everything to be done, assembled and washed. Nesting has well and truly kicked in!

8. I am hungry all the time! I need to eat every hour otherwise I start to feel really really sick so that means constantly hiding in a corner to eat at work and raiding the cupboards at home all through the day. 

9. The sickness hasn't left me yet! Although the daily puking is long gone, every so often sickness will just wash over me and I end up throwing up my guts all the over the street outside Poundland in front of loads of people. I'm not even embarrassed anymore, its my life now.

10. Most importantly, although I am in a constant state of worry and tiredness. I am so completely in love with this little person and can't wait to meet him! 

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